Every Nation is different. What is Nationhood for a nation? And what are its laws?
Through workshops and research support, NCH helps communities enshrine their nation's laws. When invited to, NCH works like a legal platform within the nation and helps communities:
Policies and Case Laws Analysis
NCH does a landscape scan on emerging issues. NCH works with communities to release their nation-based policy papers that advance nationhood and Indigenous land rights assertion. NCH's policy papers help inform community members and simplify some of the complex legal issues that impact their land rights.
Scholarly recommendations
NCH functions as a clearing house of information on the wise practices from other jurisdictions, especially of practices that have led to Indigenous laws superseding settler laws. For communities to handle legal research, NCH maintains a repository of community justice systems and legal traditions. NCH maintains a repository of suggestions for books, links and articles that relate to Indigenous land rights.
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