A dynamic Indigenous-led charity organization with leading
Indigenous lawyers, constitutional experts, policy analysts and other specialists working to advance Indigenous resurgence and nationhood with the aim to effectively influence the amendment of Canada’s colonial constitutive structures and the Indian Act.
To provide action-oriented ways for Indigenous communities across Canada to find new directions to assert their nationhood and land sovereignty. And, to that end, work to bring about required amendments in Canada’s constitution and in the Indian Act.
1. Define Indigenous rights at community level; advance Indigenous resurgence and nationhood; build capacity for nations to assert their own laws.
2. Create and maintain a clearinghouse for Indigenous land and rights information.
3. Support the Indigenous communities in:
NCH brings an action-oriented confluence of academic, political and legal entities to creatively and effectively work in the area of legal and legislative intervention. It aims to address the missing link between Indigenous research and Indigenous resurgence. It is nation based and nation driven. It brings First Nations together on an Indigenous sovereignty platform and facilitates network linkages, unifying and bringing together the many diverse Indigenous efforts to scale up Indigenous resurgence synergistically. NCH also builds dynamic and nimble points of convergence with Indigenous organizations across the country. NCH evaluates its work by the impact it has on a community's advancement towards nationhood.
The core values that embody our work and our relationships are derived from the timeless and fundamental traditions of our collective Creation Stories. Each nation has their own Creation Stories.
It is the starting point for one’s thoughts and actions, as it is for us at NCH.
Our Creation Stories, our prophecies and the teachings of our ancestors articulate our spiritual interconnectedness with our land and water. We are living out these values when we use our freedom, our self-determination, and our mobility to protect our land and water. We are living them when we integrate our freedom, our self-determination, and our mobility to our responsibilities towards land and water protection.
It is this philosophy that inspires us in all our relationality and guides us in our operations and in NCH's organization culture.
Our name, Nationhood Council House, stands for a space that offers protection, growth and governance.
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